An annoucement no. 2 of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology, 13 March 2020.

  1. The suspension of classes conducted via direct contact with students may not be treated as suspension of classes in general. Each lecturer, in mutual agreement with the course director and unit head, should determine the possibility of conducting classes remotely and should immediately start conducting them. Any means of remote teaching, whether using the WIKAMP platform or not, is permissible.
  2. The superior, i.e. the Rector, the Vice-Rector, the Dean, the Head of an institute, the Head of a department, the Head of a university unit, the Chancellor and the Bursar may order an employee to perform work specified in the employment contract for a specified period of time outside the place of its permanent performance in the form of the so-called remote work. The supervisor decides on the manner of supervision, reporting during the remote work.
  3. Point 12. of the Communication No. 1/2020 of the Rector of the Technical University of Łódź dated 11 March 2020, which reads: "The immediate supervisor may instruct an employee to perform, for a fixed period of time, work specified in the employment contract, outside the place of its permanent performance in the form of so-called remote work. The scope and duration of the remote work shall be decided by the direct supervisor".
  4. The communiqué enters into force on 13 March 2020 is valid from 16 March 2020 to 14 April 2020.

Rector of the Lodz University of Technology
Prof. Sławomir Wiak, D.Sc. PhD, MSc